I wanted to try and review some racquets over the course of this blog. So, I figured it would be smart to review the racquet I have used every time I've stepped on the court the last 3 years or so, the flexpoint radical. My review will be a little more biased because I want to talk about what this racquet does for my game in particular and how much it will help me on my journey.
However, Tennis warehouse provides a fantastic un-biased review which is definitely worth a read if you are looking for a new frame.
Obviously, since I have been using these frames for many years now, I do like them. With this in mind, I want to start off with the positives I have found in this racquet.
- 98 inch headsize provides a good blend of power and control.
- 11.1 oz weight makes the frame a little lighter than some player frames and allows me to put some good swings on the ball because I have a very long loopy swing that can be slowed down by a heavier racquet.
- The flexpoint technology provides some flexibility to the frame. The flex to the frame gives me a better feel on my volleys and drop shots. This helps alot with my finesse game because I feel like I can hit a hard slice groundstroke or volley and the ball will just die. This keeps my opponent always moving and sometimes even if he expects the short ball it is so short that he won't be able to run up and hit it before it bounces twice.
- This frame is also extremely durable. I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve out on the court, and every now and again I will take my frustrations out on my racquet by way of slamming it to the ground, or throwing it against a fence or two. Even though I don't do this all to often, it has happened a couple times before and these frames show no sign of cracking or being damaged in any way. This is huge for me because I do not really have the expendable income to be buying new tennis racquets every year.
Now for the Negatives....
- Actually just one negative, and that is the lack of power I seem to be able to create on my shots. Unfortunately, I was not graced with the biggest of body frames and trying to get pace on my shots is a little hard for me. This racquet does not help me in this area and no matter what kind of string I put on it, I just cannot generate enough pace to bring my game to the next level.
The lack of power has always been the big problem for me with this racquet. It is basically the whole reason why I am going to start trying out new racquets and see if i can put some more pace on my shots with different frames.
Overall, the Head Flexpoint Radical MidPlus is a great racquet for a finesse player. The touch the that the frame creates is amazing, and will really help with your slice shots and drop volleys. However, if it is an increase in power you are looking for in a new frame, the radical is not for you.
Final Score: 7.5/10
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